Sunday, March 22, 2009

Knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is!

How to Apply Knowledge

The quick answer of how to apply the DISC information observant.

Now for a high "C" like myself this is the natural thing to do. Most "S" personalities would feel this way too. However the "D & I" styles often struggle with this.

Our "D" friends might be too focused on the task of the moment and the "I" styles will be sharing their favourite fun story rather than observing what is happening around them. These are all great traits of course and as you know, we teach you how to recognize them in yourself and others. Being observant is a valuable trait as well, so allow me to give you my observations from two events in our lives this past week.

On Thursday, we had a funeral to attend at our church. No, it wasn't a family member. In fact we had never met the man. However, as some of you know, Barb and I both sing in the church choir, (Well actually, we like to say Barb sings alto and Bill sings also...) and the choir was asked to sing by the widow whom we both know.
The eulogy was amazing. Three people stood up to speak.... a long time family friend, a granddaughter, and the daughter of the deceased's best friend. All three spoke of this man who always had an opinion, backed by a real need to strongly discuss his point. They spoke of his ability to lead many charity fundraising events -- not always in a diplomatic way but always with success. It was mentioned of his love of direction in the gardening at the house. Not always right because he often pulled plants rather than weeds but forge ahead he did. In listening to these three summations of the man's life said with great respect and love, it was clearly evident he had been a very high "D" type personality. Yet here were three people and a PACKED church all paying their loving respects to this demanding, decisive, doer who loved a heated debate.
So often when we meet the D style, we assume they are too strong, too demanding, too forceful and tune out our compassionate ear. "D" styles struggle with this lack of understanding throughout their lives and often hurt inside because few take the time to see past the wall of strength.
The interesting point of this story is......can you guess the personalities of the three giving the eulogies? One was an "I" one an "S" and one a "C". This high "D" man had touched all three primary styles without even knowing it. I noticed there was not a dry eye in the place as they finished speaking and I was wiping the moisture from my own leaking eyes. This man, whom I had never met in life had made a huge impact on people even in death.
I invite you to join me in adopting a more understanding manner when wanting to judge our "D" style friends, family and co-workers. They make a difference in all of our lives.